Tuesday, July 20, 2010

274 (and the beat goes on...)

Sorry I stepped away from the blog.  Been a bit of a week...

Although I hit a milestone this past Sunday.  I walked from the flat all the way to the New Season's store on SE 20th & Division.  Google says that's about 2.5 miles.  All said and done, that day I clocked what must have been just over 3 miles.  I was exhausted for the rest of the day, yes, but I attribute that to all that exercise on very little fuel.  But it's working.  Yesterday was also a good exercise day, having spent the afternoon busing around town running errands.  When I got back from them, I hopped on the scale and was down to 271 and change.  Now I know that wasn't a real number--you should never weigh yourself after strenuous exercise unless you're a boxer at a pre-fight weigh-in--but doing so allows me to know more accurately where I'm at.  Yesterday's 271 shows me that today's 274 is a real number.  Hopefully if I keep this up, by this time next week, I'll be kissing the 260's again for the first time in almost two years.

I have to admit that one of the things I like most about the dieting is the MONEY!  Since I've not been having the daily mocha, this month I've saved nearly $60!  Not buying anything at the store but fruit, veg, and soy-milk, I'm still in the black this month, at a time when I'm typically getting really tight.  Admittedly, I've had a bit of money come back to me this month as well, but all-in-all, I know it's helping the budget too.

Last night for dinner I made myself essentially a carb-less huevos burrito in a bowl.  Quorn chick'n, mushrooms, onions and 2 eggs done on the cast-iron skillet, then dumped into a bowl of re-fried black beans.  I initially thought of making some rice and using a low-carb FlatOut wrap, but just decided to skip them entirely.  Damn tasty regardless.  Thanks to Tapito for spicing it up!  I could have had half the eggs, leaving one for today, but I could tell that my body was rather protein-starved, so I decided to have a reasonable second helping.  Probably 600-800 kCal all said and done.  That would make my total for the day somewhere in the 1500-1600 for the day.  I still feel good about it.

I think once I get down to 270, I'll take a pic of myself and stick it up here.  No greater motivation than to see yourself as fat, but getting smaller.

Now I need to get a few things done before I go walking.  I hope one of those things is seeing a man about a horse.  That right there is one of the top three reasons why I don't like walking out in the wild all that much.  Suddenly needing to find a bathroom right. Damn. NOW is a real pain.  But I can't allow it to keep me from walking.

I can't.

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