Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Well, I had a pretty decent day yesterday. Did 25min on the bike to start with. I walked a lot yesterday. Started by walking down to the Belmont library a mile from here, then took the bus to TJ's and got a high-protein smoothy base, plus salad fixins. Didn't really think about how heavy and bulky the bag would be bringing all that stuff home with me; big container of powder, 4 avocados, thing of cherry tomatoes, this, that, etc. I wound up having to shove the sprout container into my pocket. I'm sure that didn't look odd at all. Got back to the flat, unloaded, and then had to hit the road again rather quickly to go do a radio listener survey. I essentially listened to an entire day of KGON in 90min. Got paid $50 for doing so, though.

The trip home was awful. Fall/Winter is here, and the rain is starting. This is going to make the no-car life pretty tricky. How am I going to walk safely in the winter time? I'll find a way. I think I'm going to head to Mt. Scott community center and check out their weight/fitness room and maybe talk to a trainer. I'll also fill out a sponsorship/scholarship thing. Fat is costing me my life already; I can't have it cost me my wallet, although I'd be interested in seeing metrics on how much the dollar cost is to being fat. Anyway, the goal this week is to finish at 270 by Sunday. The big goal is to hit 250 by January 1st. That may or may not be reasonable. Then again, I may or may not be reasonable myself at this point...

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